1850+ Best of The One Line Status in English

Here we found 250+ Best One Line Status in English to Share and attract. People usually look for Whatsapp statuses nowadays, and most of them will ask you to forward if it attracts. So, We found the best of all the time forever one line status in English for WhatsApp or wherever you want to share with, which perfectly fits your mood any time anywhere for one line status messages.

Whatsapp turnout for quite an excellent social network to join with individuals and swap theories by upgrading status with a few fantastic and distinct ways in the before-mentioned days. Whatsapp users usually utilize entertaining One Line Status in English to produce pleasure with intimate friends and reveal their excellent brilliant skills of mindset, precisely creating additional men and women attract. Let us make around for the Best thought for upgrading your daily status Employing these Hottest One-liner WhatsApp for girlfriend or boyfriend. All these Motivational one line Status will provide you with the inspiration you could have to have in your own life to become prosperous. If youโ€™re considering becoming successful, you should remember these remarkable one line Status in English which change your lifestyle.

Latest Collection of One Line Status for Whatsapp

Below You will find These one-line statuses are about Best, Cool, Amazing, Change, Courage, Faith, Dreams, Love, Funny, Happiness, Leadership, Motivational, Inspirational, Attitude, Positive, Technology, Forgiveness, Relationship, Mom, Dad, Romantic, Intelligence, Women, Failure, Great, Science, Jealousy, Hope, Famous, Poetry, Sports, Sympathy, Money, Beauty, Smile, Birthday, Freedom, Respect, Success, Equality, Good, Food, Morning, Humor, Trust, Fitness, Health, Wisdom, Imagination, Alone, Work, Future, Time, Sad, Travel, Business, Music, Marriage, Friendship, Experience, Anger, Truth, Nature, Peace, Death, Fear, and Movies. Take a look and find the exact one you’re in need of.

Best-One Line Status for Whatsapp

Today we’re going to share some exciting one line WhatsApp status. The best way to express yourself by WhatsApp in one line. These days we want to express our feeling in a short one-line message or status and these one line WhatsApp statuses will show your funny, cool, funky attitude or mood. We have included various WhatsApp status, some cool & funny quotes for WhatsApp.

Best One Line Status for Whatsapp
Best-One Line Status for Whatsapp
  • The best revenge is massive success.
  • Old friends are best.
  • Always do your best.
  • An example is the best precept.
  • Honesty is the best policy.
  • Hunger is the best pickle.
  • Fatigue is the best pillow.
  • Sleep is the best meditation.
  • Walking is man’s best medicine.
  • The best vision is insight.
  • Best to live lightly, unthinkingly.
  • Toleration is the best religion.
  • Woman’s at best, a contradiction still.
  • My siblings are my best friends.
  • Silence is true wisdom’s best reply.
  • Mechanization best serves mediocrity.
  • Living well is the best revenge.
  • Gorgeous hair is the best revenge.
  • He who laughs most learns best.
  • I’m married to my best friend!
  • Time is generally the best doctor.
  • The bold adventurer succeeds the best.
  • Our best thoughts come from others.
  • Just do what you do best.
  • That government is the best which governs least.
  • You’ll live. Only the best get killed.
  • Cigarettes and coffee: an alcoholic’s best friend!
  • The best proof of love is trust.
  • Canada’s the best country in the world.
  • The best mind-altering drug is the truth.
  • Prosperity is the best protector of principle.
  • Expect the best, Prepare for the worst.
  • He who keeps his cool best wins.
  • No man fails who does his best.
  • The wildest colts make the best horses.
  • Your best teacher is your last mistake.
  • The best way out is always through.
  • Compromise is the best and cheapest lawyer.
  • The best things in life are silly.

Cool One Line Status In English

These cool one line status will fill you remarkable in an anonymous cool way. Share and spread these one line statuses.

Cool One Line Status In English
Cool One Line Status In English
  • The danger is cool.
  • Conforming is not cool.
  • Ninjas are so cool!
  • Keep cool, my babies.
  • Belly buttons are cool!
  • Elves are cool, man.
  • It’s cool to be healthy.
  • Rather be dead than cool.
  • For me, everything is cool.
  • Country’s hip it’s cool music.
  • I love crispy, cool sheets.
  • I like starting. It’s pretty cool.
  • Being in love is not cool!
  • Atlanta is an incredibly cool city.
  • I don’t mind not being cool.
  • My parents are pretty cool people.
  • You know, Southerners are pretty cool.
  • Most Americans are very cool people.
  • Athletes are very cool to me.
  • It’s cool now to play golf.
  • A girl’s best friend is her pride.
  • I could never dream of being cool.
  • It’s not cool to be an alcoholic.
  • We aren’t cool and never will be.
  • I don’t watch reality TV. I’m cool.
  • Good words cool more than cold water.
  • This wired generation is kind of cool.
  • I’ve had cameos on some cool shows.
  • I think you create your own hipness.
  • Manners are love in a cool climate.
  • I want to do cool stuff.
  • He’s as cool as a prized marrow!
  • Sunday school don’t make you cool forever.
  • But Freedom Strike was actually quite cool.
  • I want to be a cool mom.

Amazing One Line Status In English

These are amazing one line status for WhatsApp or other social media to share and get attracted.

Amazing One Line Status In English
Amazing One Line Status In English
  • Nothing amazes me anymore.
  • Yoga’s an amazing release.
  • I had an amazing childhood.
  • Being a parent is amazing.
  • Croatia is an amazing place.
  • I love Louisiana. It’s amazing.
  • Mark Conseulos is so amazing.
  • It’s pretty amazing being me.
  • Ted Danson is amazing. He’s incredible.
  • I love insects. They are amazing.
  • New Orleans is an amazing town.
  • I think Polanski’s an amazing director.
  • Amazement awaits us at every corner.
  • The ’60s were an amazing time.
  • Luckily, I have some amazing friends.
  • My father is an amazing man.
  • People never cease to amaze me.
  • I’ve seen Bruno Mars before; he’s amazing.
  • If you’re curious, London’s an amazing place.
  • Write in recollection and amazement for yourself.
  • I have an amazing relationship with food.
  • Any day acting is an amazing day.
  • It’s amazing how stress keeps you trim.

Short Status About Change

Life’s changes come in all different ways, shapes and sizes. For some of us, a big change is simply a change of living and some for a change of thoughts. Same as these short statuses about change. Change your way of thinking by sharing these short statuses about change.

Short Status About Change
Short Status About Change
  • Change brings opportunity.
  • Nothing endures but change.
  • Habits change into character.
  • Satire doesn’t affect change.
  • Change is such hard work.
  • Change before you have to.
  • Obviously, comedic styles do change.
  • Things do not change. We change.
  • Even God cannot change the past.
  • Don’t fear change – embrace it.
  • Change in all things is sweet.
  • Change is inevitable. Change is constant.
  • Maybe we all change over time.
  • The taste may change, but inclination never.
  • There is nothing permanent except change.
  • Dynamism is a function of change.
  • Ignorance is always afraid of change.
  • I love to watch times change!
  • As you grow older, you change.
  • Every day I’m thinking about change.
  • I love change, and I need it.
  • A zebra does not change its spots.
  • You can change friends but not neighbours.
  • For me, ‘revolution’ means radical change.
  • Creative thinking inspires ideas. Ideas inspire change.
  • Change is not only likely; it’s inevitable.
  • There is nothing so stable as change.
  • Only idiots refuse to change their minds.
  • Change is one of my favourite words.
  • I know that my race must change.
  • Chinese people themselves really want change.
  • Logic will never change emotion or perception.
  • As with anything creative, change is inevitable.
  • You change with the guys you date.
  • I like progress, but I wouldn’t say I like change.
  • Styles, like everything else, change. Style doesn’t.
  • You must change to survive.
  • Cats don’t like change without their consent.
  • True change takes place in the imagination.
  • I think I can change the game.

One Line Status About Courage

It takes courage to live your life the way you want, especially when you’re changing the world. Every entrepreneur needs courage. It takes courage to quit your day job. It takes courage to start a business. It takes courage to remain flexible. It takes courage to pivot. It’s fair to say that without courage you will not be able to live. So be courageous by sharing these one line status about courage.

One Line Status About Courage
One Line Status About Courage
  • Creativity takes courage.
  • Being gifted needs courage.
  • Courage is always rewarded.
  • From caring comes courage.
  • You can’t test courage cautiously.
  • Courage is grace under pressure.
  • Courage is action, not talk.
  • Audacity augments courage, hesitation, fear.
  • Political courage is not political suicide.
  • Without courage, wisdom bears no fruit.
  • Have the courage of your desire.
  • Falsehood is cowardice, the truth courage.
  • Courage is found in unlikely places.
  • Optimism is the foundation of courage.
  • Necessity does the work of courage.
  • Physical courage is a great test.
  • Part of courage is simple consistency.
  • Courage is a kind of salvation.
  • Courage easily finds its own eloquence.
  • Despair gives courage to a coward.
  • The more wit, the less courage.
  • Courage is always the surest wisdom.
  • War is fear cloaked in courage.
  • Resignation is the courage of Christian sorrow.
  • One man with courage makes a majority.
  • Courage is fire, and bullying is smoke.
  • Ingenuity, plus courage, plus work, equals miracles.
  • I have the courage of my convictions.
  • Courage is a peculiar kind of fear.
  • Freedom is a system based on courage.
  • Courage knows what not to fear.
  • Courage in danger is half the battle.
  • Courage without conscience is a wild beast.
  • One man with courage is a majority.
  • Clear thinking requires courage rather than intelligence.
  • Whatever enlarges hope will also exalt courage.
  • People don’t follow titles. They follow courage.

One Line Status About Faith

Faith is said to be the house of the Lord and it is something that someone has a strong belief in. It is built by complete trust and confidence. Read these beautiful short one line status about faith and share them to your WhatsApp.

One Line Status About Faith
One Line Status About Faith
  • Fear clogs faith liberates.
  • Faith is spiritualized imagination.
  • I don’t need faith.
  • Only faith is sufficient.
  • Faith never confesses.
  • Duty cannot exist without faith.
  • Pray, and let God worry.
  • Faith is reason grown courageous.
  • Faith is important to me.
  • Faith is a passionate intuition.
  • I had lost faith in biography.
  • God always takes the simplest way.
  • Faith begins where Reason sinks exhausted.
  • I’ve lost my faith in science.
  • Have faith in your own thoughts.
  • Obedience is the fruit of faith.
  • To me, faith means not worrying.
  • Faith is never identical to piety.
  • Non-violence is the article of faith.
  • The reason is the enemy of faith.
  • Faith is not contrary to reason.
  • Vision looks upward and becomes faith.
  • Faith is the heroism of the intellect.
  • Your faithfulness makes you trustworthy to God.
  • Have a little faith. Don’t give up.
  • The principal part of faith is patience.
  • Faith is a higher faculty than reason.
  • I think the Muslim faith teaches hate.
  • First, I prepare. Then I have faith.
  • I try to act out of faith.
  • Ultimately, blind faith is the only kind.
  • I have faith in the jury system.
  • Faith Hill is a big role model.
  • If faith is your motivation, share that.
  • A library implies an act of faith.
  • I’ve always had great faith in people.
  • Patience and Diligence, like faith, remove mountains.

Dreams One Line Status In English

We all have dreams. Maybe yours is to be the best at something in school or at work, at a sport or some other passion. Or to make the trip somewhere in the world that youโ€™ve been thinking about for years now. So I’d like to share these One Line Status on dreams and on making them real.

Dreams One Line Status In English
Dreams One Line Status In English
  • Everybody’s a dreamer.
  • Dreams can come true.
  • In dreams begins responsibility.
  • I’ve got heaps of dreams.
  • Dream in a pragmatic way.
  • Dreams are necessary to live.
  • You can plant a dream.
  • I have absurdly vivid dreams.
  • Sometimes your dreams come true.
  • Dreams sometimes foretell the future.
  • You can’t censor people’s dreams.
  • Dreams are a scientific fact.
  • Don’t give up your dreams.
  • I’ve had dreams about tricks.
  • Dreaming men are haunted men.
  • My dreams are all follies.
  • Strivers achieve what dreamers believe.
  • Dreams grow holy put in action.
  • Sometimes dreams are wiser than waking.
  • I’ll see you in my dreams.
  • Am I athletic? In my dreams.
  • Don’t let your dreams be dreams.
  • Don’t be afraid of your dreams.
  • All men of action are dreamers.
  • Writers write. Dreamers talk about it.
  • Believe in and follow your dreams.
  • We live because of dreams.
  • Never let your dreams go away.
  • Sexual dreams aren’t usually about sex.
  • Dreams are the touchstones of our character.
  • And our dreams are who we are.
  • Dreams have only the pigmentation of fact.
  • Dreams are today’s answers to tomorrow’s questions.
  • God, that dumping ground of our dreams.
  • I love watching people’s dreams come true.
  • Happiness is making your dreams come true.
  • Saddle your dreams before you ride em.
  • Sometimes, the only realists are the dreamers.
  • Men are the dreams of a shadow.
  • In our dreams, we are always young.
  • Dreams have as much influence as actions.
  • We control the content of our dreams.
  • The reality is wrong. Dreams are for real.
  • Learn from your dreams what you lack.

One Line Love Status For Whatsapp

These are the best One Line Love Status For WhatsApp to express feelings for someone special or even posting one line caption on love or love status on Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp.

One Line Love Status For Whatsapp
One Line Love Status For Whatsapp
  • Love is blind.
  • Who loves raves.
  • Love conquers all.
  • People everywhere love Windows.
  • For love is immortality.
  • Love is love’s reward.
  • Ultimately love is everything.
  • Love is metaphysical gravity.
  • This love is silent.
  • Love is the only gold.
  • All you need is love.
  • Do all things with love.
  • Who, being loved, is poor?
  • Love is being stupid together.
  • All humankind loves a lover.
  • Don’t forget to love yourself.
  • One must not trifle with love.
  • Who so loves believes the impossible.
  • Love does not dominate. It cultivates.
  • More than kisses, letters mingle souls.
  • Passion is momentary love is enduring.
  • Romance is tempestuous. Love is calm.
  • Fortune and love favour the brave.
  • Love is a serious mental disease.
  • True love stories never have endings.
  • Choose your love, Love your choice.
  • Speak low if you speak love.
  • Love is a better teacher than duty.
  • Love: A temporary insanity curable by marriage.
  • Love means committing yourself without guarantee.
  • Love is a hole in the heart.
  • People who throw kisses are hopelessly lazy.
  • A loving heart is the truest wisdom.
  • Though lovers are lost, love shall not.
  • Love is not consolation. It is light.
  • Love is the poetry of the senses.
  • Love can do much, but duty more.
  • But love’s a malady without a cure.
  • Everything is clearer when you’re in love.
  • There are never enough I Love You’s.
  • Absence – that common cure of love.
  • If you wish to be loved, love.
  • Love, in its essence, is spiritual fire.
  • I love a natural look in pictures.
  • Hatred is blind, as well as love.
  • Those whom the God’s love grow young.
  • Only do what your heart tells you.
  • Sex without love is a merely healthy exercise.
  • One is very crazy when in love.
  • The love of heaven makes one heavenly.

Funny One Line Status In English

Sometimes, fun is all you need. Update your status with our special collection of Funny one line Status For WhatsApp and be the reason that someone has a smile on their face today. Happy Reading!

Funny One Line Status In English
Funny One Line Status In English
  • Funny is funny.
  • Be obscure clearly.
  • Hollywood’s just not funny.
  • My life needs editing.
  • Funny is funny is funny.
  • Everybody’s funny in different ways.
  • It’s funny because it’s funny.
  • I rant, therefore I am.
  • Polite conversation is rarely either.
  • Weather forecast for tonight: dark.
  • Never floss with a stranger.
  • I don’t think I’m funny.
  • It’s a funny old world.
  • Never fight an inanimate object.
  • What’s another word for Thesaurus?
  • I like marriageโ€”the idea.
  • I like children – fried.
  • Everybody’s funny if you love them.
  • All my children inherited perfect pitch.
  • Nothing’s funny about someone successful.
  • My grandchildren are fabulous and funny.
  • Electricity is really just organized lightning.
  • All men are equal before fish.
  • It’s funny to be a critic.
  • One picture is worth 1,000 denials.
  • The superfluous, an essential thing.
  • I don’t mean to be funny.
  • I had a hilarious family.
  • It’s simple; if it jiggles, it’s fat.
  • I don’t just try to be funny.
  • Defy your own groupโ€”rebel against yourself.
  • It’s funny how most activists are pacifists.
  • Who picks your clothes – Stevie Wonder?
  • Never put a sock in a toaster.
  • Guilt: the gift that keeps on giving.
  • TV is chewing gum for the eyes.
  • I grew up funnily.
  • One man’s folly is another man’s wife.
  • Communism is like one big phone company.
  • Our national flower is the concrete cloverleaf.
  • All generalizations are false, including this one.
  • Memories are doing funny things to us.
  • I can speak Esperanto like a native.
  • I think serial monogamy says it all.
  • Fashions have done more harm than revolutions.
  • A nickel ain’t worth a dime anymore.

One Line Status About Happiness

Feeling full of joy? We know the feeling! Well to capture that funky, frivolous feeling weโ€™ve put together what we think is the most comprehensive guide to the best One Line Status About Happiness for WhatsApp.

One Line Status About Happiness
One Line Status About Happiness
  • Independence is happiness.
  • Money cannot buy happiness.
  • Happiness depends upon ourselves.
  • Money can’t buy happiness.
  • Love is trembling happiness.
  • Happiness is obsolete: uneconomic.
  • Happiness is always a coincidence.
  • Happiness is no laughing matter.
  • To me, flowers are happiness.
  • When ambition ends, happiness begins.
  • Happiness is an inside job.
  • He who avoids complaint invites happiness.
  • Happiness is composed of misfortunes avoided.
  • The right to happiness is fundamental.
  • Happiness is working with Jack Lemmon.
  • Happiness is only real when shared.
  • Happiness can exist only in acceptance.
  • Happiness does not consist of self-love.
  • Desire is individual. Happiness is common.
  • Happiness is the longing for repetition.
  • Happiness seems made to be shared.
  • Happiness is no respecter for persons.
  • You find happiness where you find it.
  • Every happiness is a hostage to fortune.
  • Happiness is a virtue, not its reward.
  • Success can create more madness than happiness.
  • There is no happiness outside of ourselves.
  • The gratification of desire is not happiness.
  • To buy happiness is to sell soul.
  • The will of man is his happiness.
  • Happiness and moral duty are inseparably connected.
  • Every age has its happiness and troubles.
  • You can be happy where you are.
  • All happiness depends on a leisurely breakfast.
  • Happiness is itself a kind of gratitude.
  • If you want to be happy, be.
  • For me, love is happiness and inspiration.
  • Growth itself contains the germ of happiness.
  • Never mind your happiness do your duty.
  • Happiness is the natural flower of duty.
  • Happiness? No, it’s not there for me.
  • Wisdom is the supreme part of happiness.
  • To describe happiness is to diminish it.
  • But happiness is no respecter for persons.
  • Happiness is a direction, not a place.

One Line Status About Leadership

One Line Status About Leadership
One Line Status About Leadership
  • An example is a leadership.
  • Leaders grasp nettles.
  • Leadership is influence.
  • Clarity affords focus.
  • The cautious seldom err.
  • Good enough never is.
  • Strong convictions precede great actions.
  • What helps people helps business.
  • Leadership is an ever-evolving position.
  • Don’t find fault; find a remedy.
  • Whatever ought to be can be.
  • Today a reader, tomorrow a leader.
  • Every silver lining has a cloud.
  • In this nation, leadership is dollars.
  • Character matters leadership descends from character.
  • In fair weather, prepare for foul.
  • Leadership demands that we make tough choices.
  • Leadership is about being a servant first.
  • Doing is a quantum leap from imagining.
  • Leadership is something I was born with.
  • Leadership – mobilization toward a common goal.
  • Problems are only opportunities in work clothes.
  • Leadership does not depend on being right.
  • People look for their leadership to lead.
  • Different times need different types of leadership.
  • High expectations are the key to everything.

Motivational One Line Status In English

Motivational One Line Status In English
Motivational One Line Status In English
  • Who seeks shall find.
  • Never complain and never explain.
  • Only the educated are free.
  • I can, therefore I am.
  • You never know what motivates you.
  • Leap and the net will appear.
  • After a storm comes a calm.
  • It’s always too early to quit.
  • Always desire to learn something useful.
  • To know oneself, one should assert oneself.
  • Expect problems and eat them for breakfast.
  • Know or listen to those who know.
  • Well done is better than well said.
  • Without hard work, nothing grows but weeds.
  • If you’ve got a talent, protect it.
  • Wherever you are – be all there.
  • If you’re going through hell, keep going.

Inspirational One Line Status on Life

Inspirational One Line Status on Life
Inspirational One Line Status on Life
  • Enthusiasm moves the world.
  • As knowledge increases, wonder deepens.
  • Think with your whole body.
  • We convince by our presence.
  • Belief creates the fact.
  • Our ideals are our better selves.
  • When deeds speak, words are nothing.
  • With self-discipline, most anything is possible.
  • Books are challenging and inspirational to me.
  • I am deliberate and afraid of nothing.
  • Believe you can, and you’re halfway there.

One Line Status on Cool Attitude

One Line Status on Attitude
One Line Status on Attitude

You can Easily share these Cool attitude one line status with Your Friends and On social Media.

  • Attitude is everything.
  • Funny is an attitude.
  • Surfers have the most attitude.
  • Attitude determines the altitude of life.
  • Attitudes are more important than facts.
  • I still have a young attitude.
  • Bad attitudes will ruin your team.
  • Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character.
  • Do you know what’s funny to me? Attitude.
  • Cock your hat – angles are attitudes.
  • Great effort springs naturally from a great attitude.
  • Bambi can’t act. Bambi had a major attitude.

Positive One Line Status In English

Positive One Line Status In English
Positive One Line Status In English
  • I’m so positive.
  • Only fools are positive.
  • I’m an un-healable positive optimist.
  • Surround yourself with positive people.
  • Be positive and laugh at everything.
  • Delete the negative accentuate the positive!
  • Everything has positive and negative consequences.
  • I want always to be positive.
  • I’m not the most positive person.
  • People don’t believe in positive changes anymore.
  • Accent your positive and delete your negative.
  • Positive anything is better than negative nothing.
  • Dallas is a positive, get-it-done city.
  • It’s all positive energy from me, man.
  • I was told I should have a positive attitude. Well, I am positive that I have an attitude.
  • A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events, and outcomes. It is a catalyst, and it sparks extraordinary results.
  • A Positive attitude can help you to overcome all negative situations.

One Line Status About Technology

One Line Status About Technology
One Line Status About Technology
  • I love technology.
  • Technology favours horrible people.
  • Technology is not neutral.
  • I know nothing about technology.
  • Defect-free software does not exist.
  • Any powerful technology can be abused.
  • Life is about family and technology.
  • Magic, like technology, is a tool.
  • I love modern technology now.
  • Technology is not good. It’s neutral.
  • Focus on your music and not technology.
  • Technology has to be invented or adopted.
  • Some people think technology has the answers.
  • Technology makes the world a new place.

Forgiveness One Line Status In English

Forgiveness One Line Status In English
Forgiveness One Line Status In English
  • Forgiveness is God’s command.
  • Without forgiveness, there’s no future.
  • Life is an adventure in forgiveness.
  • Nothing inspires forgiveness quite like revenge.
  • There is no forgiveness in nature.
  • To understand is to forgive, even oneself.
  • To err is human to forgive, divine.
  • Forgotten is forgiven.
  • I find forgiveness to be really healthy.
  • Forgiveness means letting go of the past.
  • God will forgive me. It’s his job.
  • Forgiveness is a virtue of the brave.
  • Forgiveness is the final form of love.
  • To be social is to be forgiving.
  • Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself.

Relationship One Line Status In English

Relationship One Line Status In English
Relationship One Line Status In English
  • It was a mutual relationship.
  • Challenge is good for any relationship.
  • Relationships based on obligation lack dignity.
  • For me, writing is a love-hate relationship.
  • It takes bravery to end a relationship.
  • My relationship to gravity is permanently altered.
  • There’s an entry point to any relationship.
  • The mother-daughter relationship is the most complex.

One Line Status In English For Mom

One Line Status In English For Mom
One Line Status In English For Mom
  • I’m a mom first.
  • My mom was tough.
  • I’m almost a full-time mom.
  • Mom worked with autistic children.
  • My mom’s a secret Rastafarian.
  • I’m like any working mom.
  • My mom is a sculptress.
  • My mom is definitely my rock.
  • Mothers are the necessity of invention.
  • My mom obviously had a problem.
  • I am truly my mother’s son.
  • My mom wasn’t a movie star.
  • My mom introduced me to science-fiction.
  • My mother was predominately a stay-at-home mom.
  • I think I’m a really hands-on mom.
  • I’m a mom first, a singer second.
  • I always wanted to be a mom.
  • The mother’s heart is the child’s schoolroom.
  • I’ve always wanted to be a mom.
  • My mom was paranoid about my safety.
  • My mom and I are very close.
  • My mom died when I was 8.
  • Sinatra was just one of Mom’s friends.
  • I want to be a loving mom.

One Line Status In English For Dad

One Line Status In English For Dad
One Line Status In English For Dad
  • My Dad is my hero.
  • My dad, he’s the rocker.
  • I’m just a pretty regular dad.
  • I had a dad, you know.
  • I’m turning into a stricter dad.
  • My dad was a Methodist minister.
  • My dad played fiddle as well.
  • My role model is my dad.
  • My dad is a marketing mastermind.
  • I love my mom and dad.
  • My dad was good with actions.
  • My dad died of a stroke.
  • Truthfully, I’m still Corey Hart, Dad, first.
  • I’ll back up anything my dad says.
  • My dad’s supportive of all my endeavours.
  • I’ve always wanted to be a dad.
  • It’s an ongoing joy being a dad.
  • My father was something of a rainbow-chaser.
  • Fathers are biological necessities but social accidents.
  • Without my dad, I wouldn’t be here.
  • I’m a dad, and that’s pretty important.
  • Dad was a very gentle, sweet man.
  • My father loved people, children and pets.
  • The child is the father of the man.

Romantic One Line Whatsapp Status In English

Are you looking to express your love and emotions to people and friends on WhatsApp in a unique manner? This type of Latest one-line English Whatsapp Status will be the most suitable choice for you. This awesome collection of the Latest one-line Whatsapp status is more meaningful and short enough to read and understand. You can easily express your feelings to your beloved by using these romantic one line Whatsapp status in English.

Romantic One Line Status In English
Romantic One Line Status In English
  • I’m very romantic.
  • Romance is everything.
  • I’m a romantic.
  • I’m a romantic guy.
  • I’m not a romantic.
  • I’m a horrible romantic!
  • I’m a hopeless romantic.
  • I love romantic comedies.
  • Basically, I’m a romantic.
  • Romantic love is painful.
  • I’m a romantic slob!
  • I’m a very romantic person.
  • I am a hopeless romantic.
  • Cooking is always very romantic!
  • I’m really a romantic at heart.
  • I’m a bit of a romantic.
  • I’m sick of playing romantic leads.
  • I’d like to do a romantic comedy.
  • I happen to be really a romantic.
  • I think I’m a romantic person, yeah.
  • Romance is mush, stifling those who strive.
  • I’m very romantic. I’ve emptied flower shops.
  • I’m a very romantic and passionate guy.
  • I’m a big romantic, traditional, cheesy guy.

Intelligence One Line Status

Intelligence One Line Status
Intelligence One Line Status
  • Information is not knowledge.
  • Curiosity is free-wheeling intelligence.
  • Wit is educated insolence.
  • Intelligence is enormously sexy.
  • Hamlet is an astonishing intelligence.
  • Intelligence is not a science.
  • Genius is an initiative on fire.
  • Intelligence is nothing without delight.
  • Intelligence is a moral category.
  • Intellectuals solve problems. Geniuses prevent them.
  • Instinct is intelligence incapable of self-consciousness.
  • Intellectuals are too sentimental for me.
  • You mustn’t underestimate an audience’s intelligence.
  • The universe is an intelligence test.
  • Common sense is not so common.
  • I don’t know how to depict intelligence.
  • I’m a big advocate of financial intelligence.
  • To think is to practice brain chemistry.
  • Military intelligence is a contradiction in terms.
  • Knowledge is love and light and vision.
  • People are smarter than you might think.
  • The intelligence community gets hurt through sequestration.
  • Action is the real measure of intelligence.
  • I want to exude strength and intelligence.
  • Wherever smart people work, doors are unlocked.
  • Scepticism, that dry caries of the intelligence.

One Line Status For Women

One Line Status For Women
One Line Status For Women
  • Women are always beautiful.
  • All German women are beautiful.
  • Women are still second-class citizens.
  • Women have this obsession with shoes.
  • Women have a predestination to suffering.
  • Women hear rhythm differently than men.
  • No one knows what women want!
  • Men want to make women happy.
  • I gravitate toward women.
  • Women love a self-confident bald man.
  • Women hold up half the sky.
  • I owe nothing to Women’s Lib.
  • Silence is an ornament for women.
  • Women. They are a complete mystery.
  • I love women more than anything.
  • I always play women I would date.
  • I’ve always liked men better than women.
  • When anything goes, it’s women who lose.
  • All my friends’ mothers were appalling women.
  • Women should be obscene and not heard.
  • Women are women and hurray for that.
  • Women don’t realize how powerful they are.
  • No one wants to see curvy women.
  • I think women are excellent social critics.
  • Women would rather be right than reasonable.
  • Men get laid, but women get screwed.
  • Good girls are bad girls that never get caught.
  • The PRETTIEST girls go through the UGLIEST Shit.
  • Americans like fat books and thin women.
  • Seventy-five per cent of MS sufferers are women.

One Line Status About Failure

One Line Status About Failure
One Line Status About Failure
  • Failure is impossible.
  • Nothing fails like failure.
  • A failure is always an option.
  • War is the failure of diplomacy.
  • Success is 99 per cent failure.
  • Don’t come home a failure.
  • My reputation grows with every failure.
  • Failure is a part of success.
  • The hippy movement was a failure.
  • War remains the decisive human failure.
  • Failure’s a natural part of life.
  • There is always time for failure.
  • With failure, you just try again.
  • Failure? Scared to death of it.
  • Success and failure are equally disastrous.
  • Failure has gone to his head.
  • I didn’t fear failure. I expected failure.
  • Not failure, but low aim is sin.
  • The only failure is not to try.
  • Not failure, but low aim, is a crime.
  • I believe only in art and failure.
  • Success is always less funny than failure.
  • Success isn’t permanent, and failure isn’t fatal.
  • Failure to prepare is preparing to fail.
  • Failure is a word unknown to me.
  • Failure is unfortunately as common as success.
  • The only risk of failure is promotion.
  • All war represents a failure of diplomacy.
  • Never permit failure to become a habit.
  • Every failure is a step to success.

Great One Line Status In English

Great One Line Status In English
Great One Line Status In English
  • Being in a great explainer.
  • We need a great president.
  • Marriage is a great institution.
  • Success is a great deodorant.
  • Power is the great aphrodisiac.
  • Thrift is of great revenue.
  • All great achievements require time.
  • I always entertain great hopes.
  • All great peoples are conservative.
  • Great hopes make great men.
  • Great loves, too, must be endured.
  • No great thing is created suddenly.
  • All great truths begin as blasphemies.
  • An index is a great leveller.
  • Great geniuses have the shortest biographies.
  • Great ideas originate in the muscles.
  • Produce great men. The rest follows.
  • Life should be great rather than long.
  • Two great European narcotics, alcohol and Christianity.
  • Success has always been a great liar.
  • Don’t be humble… you’re not that great.
  • Great moments are born from great opportunities.
  • Silence is a source of great strength.
  • A great fortune is a great slavery.
  • A great mind becomes a great fortune.
  • Brevity is a great charm of eloquence.
  • Never was anything great achieved without danger.
  • To be great is to be misunderstood.
  • Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
  • No man was ever great by imitation.

One Line Status About Science

One Line Status About Science
One Line Status About Science
  • Science is facts.
  • Leave the atom alone.
  • I hate science fiction.
  • Science always uses metaphor.
  • I love science fiction.
  • Science is always inquiring.
  • Science is all metaphor.
  • Experimentation is an active science.
  • Science does not permit exceptions.
  • A satellite has no conscience.
  • Science is a self-sufficient activity.
  • I quite enjoy science fiction.
  • Science is nothing but perception.
  • Polygraph tests are 20th-century witchcraft.
  • With science fiction, there are endless possibilities.
  • Art is I science is we.
  • Science is not addressed to poets.
  • There are no shortcuts in evolution.
  • I don’t know anything about science.
  • Nature engenders the science of painting.
  • Computer Science is embarrassed by the computer.
  • I do enjoy reading some science fiction.
  • Science is the systematic classification of experience.
  • Art is made to disturb, science reassures.
  • You cannot feed the hungry on statistics.
  • I’d always been a science fiction enthusiast.
  • Science grows like a weed every year.
  • Anecdotal thinking comes. Naturally, science requires training.
  • Science is a cemetery of dead ideas.
  • Fashion is more about feel than science.

Jealousy One Line Status In English

Jealousy One Line Status In English
Jealousy One Line Status In English
  • Jealousy… is mental cancer.
  • Jealousy is the grave of affection.
  • I do not say anything from jealousy.
  • Jealousy is a love bed of burning snarl.
  • Moral indignation is jealousy with a halo.
  • Missing some true hearts around.
  • Jealousy is the jaundice of the soul.

One Line Hope Status

One Line Hope Status
One Line Hope Status
  • Keep hope alive!
  • Hope is a waking dream.
  • Hope will never be silent.
  • To me, we’re marketing hope.
  • While there’s life, there’s hope.
  • Hope is a very unruly emotion.
  • Hope springs eternal, even in politics.
  • Uncertainty is the refuge of hope.
  • Let’s hope you feel better now.
  • Hope is the denial of reality.
  • Among physicists, I’m respected, I hope.
  • I hope to inspire people, influence people.
  • We all hope for breakthrough rebirth moments.
  • All hope abandon, ye who enter here!
  • Hope is tomorrow’s veneer over today’s disappointment.
  • Who dares nothing need hope for nothing.
  • Hope never abandons you. You abandon it.
  • How disappointment tracks the steps of hope.
  • A leader is a dealer in hope.
  • My sweetest hope is to lose hope.
  • Hope is patient with the lamp lit.

Famous One Line Status In English

Famous One Line Status In English
Famous One Line Status In English
  • I don’t feel famous.
  • I actually don’t feel famous.
  • I never pursued being ‘famous.’
  • I’m famous. That’s my job.
  • I was famous from birth.
  • I am beautiful, famous and gorgeous.
  • I never thought about being famous.
  • I never wanted to be famous.
  • Andy Warhol made fame more famous.
  • I want to be famous everywhere.
  • Sometimes you’re famous before you’re good.
  • I got the famous Oprah hug!
  • Celebrity gives us a delusion of self-importance.
  • Everyone will be famous for 15 minutes.
  • My hair was famous before I was.
  • I love being famous – it’s phenomenal.
  • To be famous and broke is hard.
  • I wanted to be successful, not famous.
  • In Germany, I am not so famous.
  • I’m the man that made wrestling famous.
  • My buildings are more famous than mine.
  • Once you’re famous, you can’t go back.
  • I don’t really see myself as famous.
  • I will either be famous or infamous.
  • They were all famous and fantastic fellows.
  • At first, I thoroughly enjoyed being famous.
  • I’d definitely rather be rich than famous.
  • I mean, I was famous for nothing.
  • Famous remarks are very seldom quoted correctly.
  • I can never really enjoy being famous.

Poetry One Line Status In English

Poetry One Line Status In English
Poetry One Line Status In English
  • Poetry is life distilled.
  • I love romantic poetry.
  • Wine is bottled poetry.
  • Prose talks and poetry sings.
  • The cliche is dead poetry.
  • God is the perfect poet.
  • I love to write poetry.
  • It’s not easy to define poetry.
  • Poetry and prayer are very similar.
  • Poetry is the deification of reality.
  • Poetry is a mere drug, Sir.
  • For me, prose walks, poetry dances.
  • The poet doesn’t invent. He listens.
  • Superstition is the poetry of life.
  • Poetry is all nouns and verbs.
  • I read poetry to save time.
  • Every single soul is a poem.
  • Poetry is a sort of homecoming.
  • Poetry is composing for the breath.
  • I’m not a great poetry fan.
  • The crown of literature is poetry.
  • Money is a kind of poetry.
  • Eloquence is the poetry of prose.
  • Always be a poet, even in prose.
  • Why should poetry have to make sense?
  • A lot happens by accident in poetry.
  • I despair of ever writing excellent poetry.
  • Poetry lies its way to the truth.
  • Dancing is the poetry of the foot.
  • Poetry is adolescence fermented and thus preserved.
  • Poetry is true in its Sunday clothes.
  • Poetry comes alive to me through recitation.
  • Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason.
  • All bad poetry springs from genuine feeling.
  • A poem is never finished, only abandoned.
  • I like poems that are little games.
  • Poetry is what gets lost in translation.
  • As civilization advances, poetry almost necessarily declines.

Sports One Line Status In English

Sports One Line Status In English
Sports One Line Status In English
  • I play sports.
  • Life is about timing.
  • I love all sports.
  • Fans don’t boo nobodies.
  • Nobody roots for Goliath.
  • Sports are not for everyone.
  • Sports and politics don’t mix.
  • Wrestling is ballet with violence.
  • Sports is all about money.
  • Professional sports is a business.
  • I’m a huge sports fan.
  • All sports for all people.
  • Sports life is concise.
  • I enjoy sports in person.
  • I am not a sports girl.
  • I’m not a big sports fan.
  • Sports is human life in a microcosm.
  • Boxing has become America’s tragic theatre.
  • I am a huge sports fan.
  • I don’t know much about sports.
  • A lot of athletes use sports psychologists.
  • Success is where preparation and opportunity meet.
  • Most ball games are lost, not won.
  • I’m a big sports fan. Football. Cricket.
  • I’m nothing more than a sports slave.
  • There is so much hypocrisy in sports.
  • In sports, teams win, and individuals don’t.
  • Gray skies are just clouds passing over.
  • I don’t pay much attention to sports.
  • Well, I’m not a big sports fan.
  • I was focused on athletics, outdoors, sports.
  • I’ll let the racket do the talking.
  • I’ve always been around dudes and sports.
  • I’m a big sports fan in general.
  • Just play. Have fun. Enjoy the game.
  • The integrity of the game is everything.
  • Swimming is one of the hardest sports.
  • Professional sports are something they can’t control.
  • Winning is a habit. Unfortunately, so is losing.
  • Hitting is timing. Pitching is upsetting timing.

Sympathy One Line Status In English

Sympathy One Line Status In English
Sympathy One Line Status In English
  • Excessive sorrow laughs. Excessive joy weeps.
  • I’m not looking for sympathy at all.
  • The only cure for grief is action.
  • Sympathy is the first condition of criticism.
  • The heart forgets its sorrow and ache.
  • Boys too need Brain to understand girls heart.
  • Grief changes shape, but it never ends.
  • Tears are the silent language of grief.

One Line Status In English About Money

One Line Status In English About Money
One Line Status In English About Money
  • Time is money.
  • Money doesn’t buy class.
  • Money just draws flies.
  • Remember that credit is money.
  • Money doesn’t talk. It swears.
  • I don’t come from money.
  • Business is other people’s money.
  • Money does not guarantee success.
  • It’s all about the money.
  • I don’t talk about money.
  • I don’t care about money.
  • Money often costs too much.
  • I think everything depends on money.
  • I have a lot of money.
  • Money is a mechanism for control.
  • Money is usually attracted, not pursued.
  • Money: power at its most liquid.
  • Money without brains is always dangerous.
  • Only the elites despise earning money.
  • People first, then money, then things.
  • Wealth flows from energy and ideas.
  • Big money is ruining the political system.
  • Of course, I do everything for money.
  • I don’t like begging money from producers.
  • I don’t make decisions based on money.
  • There is nothing so habit-forming as money.
  • I know where I’m putting my money.
  • The sinews of war are infinite money.
  • Money is a poor man’s credit card.
  • Sincerity: willingness to spend one’s own money.
  • The passion for money is never fickle.
  • Expensive clothes are a waste of money.
  • You must spend money to make money.
  • I’m not really interested in making money.

One Line Status on Beauty

Beauty One Line Status In English
One Line Status on Beauty
  • Beauty is everything.
  • Form follows beauty.
  • Integrity reveals beauty.
  • Exuberance is beauty.
  • Beauty is not everything!
  • How goodness heightens beauty!
  • Beauty is whatever gives joy.
  • Beauty is not just physical.
  • Beauty comes from the inside.
  • My mother is a beauty.
  • Beauty is a fragile gift.
  • Beauty without expression is boring.
  • Beauty is a short-lived tyranny.
  • Beauty is only skin deep.
  • Beauty is the lover’s gift.
  • My beauty icon is Angelina Jolie.
  • Beauty and folly are old companions.
  • Beauty awakens the soul to act.
  • Beauty is variable, ugliness is constant.
  • Nonsense and beauty have close connections.
  • Beauty is the promise of happiness.
  • Hold fast to youth and beauty.
  • Beauty is not caused. It is.
  • Beauty is less important than quality.
  • I am a thing of beauty.
  • In art economy is always beauty.
  • Beauty can come in strange forms.
  • Beauty is everywhere a welcome guest.
  • The very definition of ‘beauty’ is outside.
  • A women’s greatest asset is her beauty.
  • Pay attention to the beauty surrounding you.
  • The pain passes, but the beauty remains.
  • Goodness is beauty in the best estate.
  • Physical beauty isn’t so impressive to me.
  • And beauty immortal awakes from the tomb.
  • Beauty magazines make my girlfriend feel ugly.
  • Physical beauty is such a strange thing.
  • Beauty is the greatest seducer of man.
  • Love is the beauty of the soul.
  • Beauty always promises, but never gives anything.
  • Beauty when unadorned is adorned the most.
  • Beauty is first and foremost an emotion.
  • Black beauty – he’s a dark horse.
  • To love beauty is to see light.
  • My beauty secret is absolutely no sun.
  • I don’t believe in one ideal beauty.

One Line Status About Smile

One Line Status About Smile
One Line Status About Smile
  • Smile, it’s free therapy.
  • I love to smile.
  • Nothing beats a great smile.
  • A smile costs about $240.
  • The smile of God is victory.
  • Southerners smile more than other Americans.
  • Colors are the smiles of nature.
  • A smile is the universal welcome.
  • I never smile unless I mean it.
  • Most smiles are started by another smile.
  • I just want to make people smile.
  • You’re never fully dressed without a smile.
  • Smile at a stranger. See what happens.
  • Children learn to smile from their parents.
  • Look back, and smile on perils past.

One Line Status For Birthday Wishes

One Line Status For Birthday Wishes
One Line Status For Birthday Wishes
  • I hate birthdays.
  • Let them eat cake.
  • Being seventy is not a sin.
  • I’m most comfortable in my birthday suit.
  • Love the giver more than the gift.
  • New Year’s Day is every man’s birthday.
  • I left school on my 15th birthday.

Freedom One Line Status In English

Freedom One Line Status In English
Freedom One Line Status In English
  • Money equals freedom.
  • Freedom is from within.
  • Freedom is not enough.
  • Freedom rings where opinions clash.
  • Freedom lies in being bold.
  • Freedom is such a gift.
  • America, to me, is freedom.
  • Responsibility is the price of freedom.
  • Freedom is the recognition of necessity.
  • The American dream is about freedom.
  • The precondition to freedom is security.
  • The only certain freedom’s in departure.
  • Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom.
  • Freedom is just Chaos, with better lighting.
  • Freedom is the by-product of economic surplus.
  • The enemies of freedom will not prevail.
  • Secrecy is the freedom tyrants dream of.
  • Our work is a scream of freedom.
  • The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.
  • No one can enjoy freedom without trembling.
  • Human beings crave freedom at their core.
  • The fifth freedom is freedom from ignorance.
  • Freedom is a possession of inestimable value.
  • Freedom is the oxygen of the soul.
  • Freedom is always the freedom of dissenters.
  • Freedom is control in your own life.
  • I need this wild life, this freedom.

One Line Status For Respect

One Line Status For Respect
One Line Status For Respect
  • Respect the burden.
  • America wants its respect.
  • I respect Everest very much.
  • I always respect a woman.
  • I have respect for beer.
  • People are giving me more respect.
  • Freedom goes hand-in-hand with mutual respect.
  • People respect nonfiction but they read novels.
  • I have nothing but respect for HBO.
  • I respect the office of the president.
  • I hate victims who respect their executioners.
  • Respect is not ever assigned it’s earned.
  • Arabs respect only the language of force.
  • Awe and respect are two different things.

Success Status In One Line

Success Status In One Line
Success Status In One Line
  • Success is survival.
  • Success breeds success.
  • Excess is a success.
  • Nothing succeeds like success.
  • Applause waits on success.
  • Success comes in waves.
  • Success can’t be forced.
  • Nothing recedes like success.
  • One fails forward toward success.
  • I’m astonished by my success.
  • We fall forward to succeed.
  • People fall forward to success.
  • Success is dependent on effort.
  • Success is the sweetest revenge.
  • Success demands singleness of purpose.
  • Success is the child of audacity.
  • The secret of success is sincerity.
  • My definition of success controls.
  • Success consecrates the most offensive crimes.
  • Success tempts many to their ruin.
  • There is no success without hardship.
  • There’s no abiding success without commitment.
  • Nothing succeeds like the appearance of success.
  • Fame and success are very different things.
  • To me, success is choice and opportunity.
  • Success is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well.
  • Success makes you less intimidated by things.
  • Well, success does not mean doing well.
  • My literary success meant nothing to me.
  • Winning isn’t everything. It’s the only thing.
  • They succeed because they think they can.
  • Eighty per cent of success is showing up.

Short one line Status on Equality

Status About Equality
Status About Equality
  • Equality implies individuality.
  • In 1965, I marched for equality.
  • Marriage equality changed life for people.
  • Socialism values equality more than liberty.
  • Virtue can only flourish among equals.
  • All men are born equally free.
  • Nobody really believes in equality anyway.
  • The cry of equality pulls everyone down.
  • All imaginable futures are not equally possible.

Good One Line Status In English

Good One Line Status In English
Good One Line Status In English
  • Fun is good.
  • No good deed goes unpunished.
  • Only the young die well.
  • The good is beautiful.
  • Liars need to have good memories.
  • Paris is always a good idea.
  • Necessity never made a good bargain.
  • It’s always good to be underestimated.
  • Four legs are good, two legs bad.
  • Good writing is like a windowpane.
  • A good deed never goes unpunished.
  • It’s good to shut up sometimes.
  • Golf is a good walk, spoiled.
  • Nothing good ever comes of violence.
  • Good artists copy; great artists steal.
  • Better is the enemy of good.
  • Whatever you are, be a good one.
  • Good things happen to those who hustle.
  • Diligence is the mother of good fortune.
  • A good conscience is a continual Christmas.
  • Diligence is the mother of good luck.
  • Anything you’re good at contributes to happiness.
  • Be sweet, be good, and honest always.
  • Acorns were good until bread was found.
  • A good husband makes a good wife.
  • Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.
  • Any good music must be an innovation.
  • A hard man is good to find.
  • Active Evil is better than Passive Good.
  • An overflow of good converts in bad.
  • Good things happen when you meet strangers.

One Line Status on Food

Status About Food
One Line Status on Food
  • I love food.
  • I love spicy food.
  • I’m obsessed with food!
  • Food should be fun.
  • Beware the hobby that eats.
  • Don’t make jokes about food.
  • I hid in food.
  • I won’t eat anything green.
  • Junk food drags you down.
  • Food isn’t important to me.
  • I don’t crave junk food.
  • If food were free, why work?
  • There is great food in Vegas.
  • I don’t follow the food trends.
  • Attitudes toward food have completely changed.
  • I got a fascination with food.
  • I adore food and always have.
  • Food in Chicago is the best.
  • Eating without conversation is only stoking.
  • I normally don’t eat junk food.
  • I love food; I love eating.
  • Japanese food makes me feel excellent.
  • Italy will always have the best food.
  • There’s nothing more romantic than Italian food.
  • Patience is the secret to good food.
  • The most dangerous food is a wedding cake.
  • Miss Child is never bashful with butter.
  • Hash browns are my favourite breakfast food.
  • I love food, and I love to eat.
  • Everybody has a weakness. Mine is food.
  • You can heal your body with food.
  • I’m a food addict; that’s my downfall.

Morning One Line Status

Morning One Line Status
Morning One Line Status
  • I couldn’t start the morning without caffeine.
  • The sun is new each day.
  • I am not a morning person.
  • I’m not really a morning person.
  • A morning without you is a dwindled dawn.
  • Good morning is a contradiction of terms.
  • ‘Tis always morning somewhere in the world.
  • Yeah, I’m not really a morning person.
  • Early morning cheerfulness can be extremely obnoxious.

Humor One Line Status In English

Humor One Line Status In English
Humor One Line Status In English
  • Humor is healing.
  • I like humor.
  • Gags die, humor doesn’t.
  • Humor comes from self-confidence.
  • Humor is reason gone mad.
  • Humor is mankind’s greatest blessing.
  • The secret to humor is surprising.
  • There’s always a source for humor.
  • When humor goes, there goes civilization.
  • It’s very hard to write humor.
  • Humor is the most engaging cowardice.
  • It’s hard to force creativity and humor.
  • Wit is the lowest form of humor.
  • I’ve got a great sense of humor.
  • Colombian humor is very black, very sarcastic.
  • Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquillity.
  • I’m just very amused by five-year-old humor.
  • We do not take humor seriously enough.
  • G.I. humor is similar to cop humor.
  • I have a dark sense of humor.
  • A boy is naturally full of humor.
  • The total absence of humor renders life impossible.
  • A joke is a very serious thing.

One Line Status About Trust

One Line Status About Trust
One Line Status About Trust
  • Trust in yourself.
  • Disarmament requires trust.
  • Trust your ability!
  • Trust, but verify.
  • Never trust sheep.
  • Trust your gut.
  • I trust my instincts.
  • You can’t trust actors.
  • I trust the people.
  • You can trust Charlie Crist.
  • I never trusted good-looking boys.
  • I trust no one totally.
  • Don’t trust anyone over thirty.
  • Trust is built with consistency.
  • Don’t trust anyone over 30.
  • Trust dies but mistrust blossoms.
  • Trust one who has tried.
  • All political power is a trust.
  • Trust the tale, not the teller.
  • When trust improves, the mood improves.
  • Trust everybody, but cut the cards.
  • You can’t trust very many people.
  • Trust is a great force multiplier.
  • I always have issues with trust.
  • Trust not too much to appearances.
  • I don’t trust a lot of journalists.
  • I trust no one, not even myself.
  • I’m very wary of trust, you see.
  • I don’t trust liberals, I trust conservatives.
  • I don’t really trust a sane person.
  • Trust is the first step to love.
  • I don’t trust anybody who didn’t inhale.
  • You can never trust what you read.

Fitness One Line Status

Fitness One Line Status
Fitness One Line Status
  • You gotta have a body.
  • The first wealth is health.
  • Exercise is labor without weariness.
  • Muscles come and go flab lasts.
  • Resting for me is fitness training.
  • Practice puts brains in your muscles.
  • Happiness lies first of all in health.
  • Investing in health will produce enormous benefits.
  • The groundwork of all happiness is health.
  • Attention to health is life’s greatest hindrance.

Health One Line Status

Health One Line Status
Health One Line Status
  • My health is fine.
  • My health is very good.
  • I received free health care.
  • Most Americans want health insurance.
  • America doesn’t have health insurance.
  • I’ve always enjoyed poor health.
  • ‘Tis healthy to be sick sometimes.
  • Healthy people live with their world.
  • My background is in health care.
  • I’m still healthy as can be.
  • Cynicism is humor in ill health.
  • A woman’s health is her capital.
  • I believe in health care reform.
  • My health is very much improved.
  • The body is a sacred garment.
  • I’m exhausted trying to stay healthy.
  • I have a lot of health anxiety.
  • Health is the core of human development.
  • Sobriety and health is the greatest thing.
  • Arguments are healthy. They clear the air.
  • Your body hears everything your mind says.
  • A healthy outside starts from the inside.
  • Health is not valued till sickness comes.

One Line Status About Wisdom

One Line Status About Wisdom
One Line Status About Wisdom
  • Kindness is wisdom.
  • Cleverness is not wisdom.
  • Wisdom comes by disillusionment.
  • Wisdom begins in wonder.
  • Wisdom outweighs any wealth.
  • Wisdom begins at the end.
  • Turn your wounds into wisdom.
  • Wisdom is a sacred communion.
  • Perspective is worth 80 IQ points.
  • Not engaging in ignorance is wisdom.
  • Wisdom sails with wind and time.
  • Discipline is wisdom and vice versa.
  • Self-suggestion makes you master of yourself.
  • Memory is the mother of all wisdom.
  • Of prosperity mortals can never have enough.
  • The doors of wisdom are never shut.
  • Never accept ultimatums, conventional wisdom, or absolutes.
  • We have heeded no wisdom offering guidance.
  • Kisses are a better fate than wisdom.
  • A prudent question is one-half of wisdom.
  • Silence is the sleep that nourishes wisdom.
  • Where fear is present, wisdom cannot be.
  • No man was ever wise by chance.
  • The truest wisdom is a resolute determination.
  • Wisdom consists of the anticipation of consequences.
  • Even wisdom has to yield to self-interest.
  • A short saying often contains much wisdom.
  • Much wisdom often goes with fewest words.
  • Winners never quit and quitters never win.
  • Rarely promise, but, if lawful, constantly perform.

One Line Status About Imagination

One Line Status About Imagination
One Line Status About Imagination
  • Imagination decides everything.
  • Imagination creates reality.
  • Man lives by imagination.
  • Imagination rules the world.
  • Imagination needs to be fed.
  • True intelligence requires fabulous imagination.
  • In imagination, there’s no limitation.
  • Love is based on imagination.
  • Imagination creates some big monsters.
  • Imagination is more important than knowledge.
  • An idea is salvation by imagination.
  • People can die of mere imagination.
  • I have a very vivid imagination.
  • Fiction reveals truths that reality obscures.
  • Imagination comes of not having things.
  • We especially need imagination in science.
  • Fantasy mirrors desire. Imagination reshapes it.
  • Imagination is the true magic carpet.
  • Imagination is the air of mind.
  • I loved the world of imagination.
  • I’ve always had an active imagination.
  • Liberty: One of Imagination’s most precious possessions.
  • A financier is a pawnbroker with imagination.
  • Some stories are true that never happened.
  • Only in your imagination can you revise.
  • Politics is the enemy of the imagination.
  • Few people have the imagination for reality.
  • Reality leaves a lot to the imagination.
  • The power of imagination makes us infinite.
  • Usually I say I have no imagination.
  • Imagination is the eye of the soul.
  • The imagination is man’s power over nature.

One Line Status For Alone People

One Line Status For Alone People
One Line Status For Alone People
  • Artists walk alone.
  • I’m happily single.
  • Alone I’m nothing.
  • The doer alone learneth.
  • Change alone is unchanging.
  • You are forever alone.
  • Schizophrenia beats dining alone.
  • Work alone is noble.
  • Wisdom comes alone through suffering.
  • Health consists of temperance alone.
  • I don’t like being alone.
  • I want to be alone.
  • Successful crimes alone are justified.
  • We’re all in this alone.
  • Love alone could waken love.
  • I like my life alone.
  • The writer is all alone.
  • Being alone is very difficult.
  • I’m so secluded. Very alone.
  • Change alone is eternal, perpetual, immortal.
  • Man cannot live by incompetence alone.
  • Victims always feel alone and helpless.
  • Virtue alone has majesty in death.
  • Absolute truth belongs to Thee alone.
  • I need, absolutely, to be alone.
  • I’m so accustomed to being alone.
  • Remember we’re all in this alone.
  • I restore myself when I’m alone.
  • Most photographers work best alone, myself included.
  • No one chooses to raise children alone.
  • The strong man is strongest when alone.
  • It is very easy to love alone.
  • To be an adult is to be alone.
  • Testing oneself is best when done alone.
  • Your thoughts and emotions are yours alone.
  • Blood alone moves the wheels of history.
  • I don’t like being in houses alone.
  • The lonely become either thoughtful or empty.
  • You only grow when you are alone.
  • He travels the fastest who travels alone.
  • The rewards of virtue alone abide secure.
  • Better be alone than in bad company.

One Line Status For Work

One Line Status For Work
One Line Status For Work
  • Management must manage!
  • I work to stay alive.
  • See, winners embrace hard work.
  • Evil gains work their punishment.
  • Nothing will work unless you do.
  • I don’t work at being ordinary.
  • We work to become, not to acquire.
  • Will it, and set to work briskly.
  • There is no substitute for hard work.
  • Every noble work is at first impossible.
  • There’s only one growth strategy: work hard.

One Line Future Status

One Line Future Status
One Line Future Status
  • My future is righteousness.
  • Africa has no future.
  • The future is today.
  • The future belongs to crowds.
  • I can’t predict the future.
  • I’m scared of the unknown future.
  • I touch the future. I teach.
  • The future will be better tomorrow.
  • The future is always beginning now.
  • The future starts today, not tomorrow.
  • Evolution never looks to the future.
  • I can’t wait for the future.
  • Never make predictions, especially about the future.
  • It looks like the future’s really bright.
  • One faces the future with one’s past.
  • You never know what the future brings.
  • The present purchases the future.

Short Status About Time

Short Status About Time
Short Status About Time
  • Time is bunk.
  • Time discovers the truth.
  • Time stays. We go.
  • My time is now.
  • Friends are thieves of time.
  • We must use time creatively.
  • Time was God’s first creation.
  • Time itself comes in drops.
  • Time brings all things to pass.
  • I live in a crazy time.
  • Lost time is never found again.
  • Time makes heroes but dissolves celebrities.
  • Make measurable progress in a reasonable time.
  • When in doubt, take more time.
  • Perfection is the child of time.
  • Time makes more converts than reason.
  • But time growing old teaches all things.
  • You may delay, but time will not.
  • I spend a lot of time reading.
  • There’s time enough, but none to spare.
  • The present is a point just passed.
  • Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.
  • Time is a dressmaker specializing in alterations.
  • Time and tide wait for no man.
  • I took some time out for life.
  • We have time. There’s no big rush.
  • The time you enjoy wasting is not a waste.
  • Laws are silent in time of war.
  • Well-timed silence is the most commanding expression.
  • The time I kill is killing me.
  • Consciousness is our only reprieve from Time.
  • Time is the wisest counsellor of all.

Sad One Line Status In English

Sad One Line Status In English
Sad One Line Status In English
  • I had sadness for breakfast.
  • Football is a sad game.
  • I’m so grounded, it’s sad.
  • I don’t have many sad days.
  • Christmas makes everything twice as sad.
  • It’s sad when people break up.
  • Atari is a very sad story.
  • In the film, you can have sad endings.
  • Red is the ultimate cure for sadness.
  • Proud people breed sad sorrows for themselves.
  • Sadness is also a kind of defence.
  • People are so codified – it’s sad.
  • I’m a sucker for sad disco-pop.

Travel One Line Status In English

Travel One Line Status In English
Travel One Line Status In English
  • Travel teaches toleration.
  • I’m a travel enthusiast.
  • I travel all the time.
  • Travelling expands the mind rarely.
  • Oh, I’m terrible at travel.
  • I can’t travel without Sudoku.
  • You get educated by traveling.
  • I like to travel by myself.
  • Travel, of course, narrows the mind.
  • I hate to travel with stuff.
  • Travel is glamorous only in retrospect.
  • Ridiculous stuff happens when I travel.
  • I like to travel and connect.
  • Travel teaches as much as books.
  • I sometimes skip meals when I travel.
  • Travel definitely affects me as a writer.
  • I never travel without my sketch book.
  • My ideal travel companions are my family.
  • Travel becomes a strategy for accumulating photographs.
  • Travelers repose and dream among my leaves.

Business One Line Status In English

Business One Line Status In English
Business One Line Status In English
  • I hate show business.
  • Movies are an expensive business.
  • Good design is good business.
  • The business of America is business.
  • Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier.
  • I’m not into business at all.
  • Business is in itself a power.
  • I find the business world hard.
  • Business is constantly changing, constantly evolving.
  • War is the business of barbarians.
  • Business today consists in persuading crowds.
  • Business is the salt of life.
  • Our favorite holding period is forever.
  • All lasting business is built on friendship.
  • Real riches are the riches possessed inside.
  • That’s what show business is, sincere insincerity.
  • I have always been a business person.
  • I’m not really in the excuse business.
  • Business is tough you need tough guys.
  • So little done, so much to do.
  • It’s show business. No show, no business.
  • If you have to forecast, forecast often.
  • I rate enthusiasm even above professional skill.
  • Christmas is over and Business is Business.
  • God will forgive me that’s his business.
  • I buy when other people are selling.
  • The movie business is a big gamble.
  • Follow sound business trends, not fashion trends.
  • The career stuff is for business people.
  • My business is to prevent the future.
  • Carpe per diem – seize the check.
  • My home has always been show business.
  • Cannibals prefer those who have no spines.
  • Interior design is a business of trust.
  • In business for yourself, not by yourself.

One Line Status For Music

One Line Status For Music
One Line Status For Music
  • Music inflames temperament.
  • I love music.
  • Soul music is timeless.
  • Music is your guide.
  • All music is beautiful.
  • Rock music is niche.
  • Music fathoms the sky.
  • I love recording music.
  • Music is my religion.
  • I love 70’s music.
  • Live music is better.
  • I love slow music.
  • Pop music has progressed.
  • Well-written words are music.
  • Where words fail, music speaks.
  • Some music really does suck!
  • I know music is subjective.
  • I do love country music.
  • I write music every day.
  • Music should be your escape.
  • Philosophy is the highest music.
  • Music breaks my heart constantly.
  • I’m very inspired by past music.
  • Music is part of God’s universe.
  • Music became a healer for me.
  • In music the passions enjoy themselves.
  • Hell is full of musical amateurs.
  • When words leave off, music begins.
  • Music is the shorthand of emotion.
  • Music is the soul of language.
  • Extraordinary how potent cheap music is.
  • You can never stop discovering music.
  • Music is hugely important to me.
  • I don’t see music as working.
  • He has Van Gogh’s ear for music.
  • You can’t really imagine music without technology.
  • Music my rampart, and my only one.
  • Music is always a commentary on society.
  • Music is essentially useless, as is life.
  • Music is the universal language of mankind.
  • Music is a safe kind of high.
  • My music is fun, kind of cheeky.
  • Pop music will never be low brow.
  • I don’t want to make niche-oriented music.
  • I just want to keep writing music.
  • Music was invented to confirm human loneliness.
  • Music is the strongest form of magic.
  • Music for me, it demands full concentration.
  • What’s missing from pop music is danger.
  • Music fills the infinite between two souls.
  • I write music with an exclamation point!
  • Please write music like Wagner, only louder.
  • There’s no religion but sex and music.
  • The music stuff is just a hobby.
  • Music is what our feelings sound like.
  • A lot of country music is sad.

One Line Status For Marriage

One Line Status For Marriage
One Line Status For Marriage
  • I love marriage.
  • Marriage is wonderful.
  • Marriage changes everything.
  • Marriage isn’t a carnival ride.
  • God invented concubinage, satan marriage.
  • I still believe in marriage.
  • Marriage: love, honour, and negotiation.
  • I believe in traditional marriage.
  • Marriage is hard work, period.
  • I definitely believe in marriage.
  • I think marriage is ghastly.
  • I’m all for same-sex marriage.
  • Marriage is socialism among two people.
  • Marriage is obsolete and a trap.
  • I’ve always been wary of marriage.
  • I’m completely comfortable with gay marriage.
  • Marriage is an exercise in torture.
  • Marriage is the tomb of love.
  • Marriage has just never interested me.
  • I have a very intense marriage.
  • Same-sex marriage is not the future.
  • Not cohabitation, but consensus constitutes marriage.
  • Books and marriage go ill together.
  • Love before marriage is necessary.
  • Sometimes divorce is better than marriage.
  • In marriage, compromise nurtures the relationship.
  • The critical period of matrimony is breakfast-time.
  • I’m not a marriage expert, quite clearly.
  • Most Americans don’t care about gay marriage.
  • Marriage is like a formality for me.
  • Obama’s position on marriage is brazenly cynical.
  • Marriage, even the best marriages are tough.
  • Traditional marriage is what should be sanctioned.
  • Marriage is a religious and state issue.
  • Love is often the fruit of marriage.
  • I married beneath me, all women do.
  • I believe in the sanctity of marriage.
  • Bachelors have consciences, and married men have wives.
  • My father was tremendous on marriage.
  • Marriage is a gamble, let’s be honest.

One Line Status on Friendship

One Line Status For Friendship
One Line Status on Friendship
  • Opposition is true friendship.
  • Friendship is essentially a partnership.
  • Friends are born, not made.
  • Friendship is a sheltering tree.
  • Friendship is a wildly underrated medication.
  • Value your friendship. Value your relationships.
  • Love demands infinitely less than friendship.
  • Love and friendship exclude each other.
  • Love is friendship set on fire.
  • Secrecy is the chastity of friendship.
  • Friendship is Love without his wings!
  • Friendship and money: oil and water.
  • Suspicion is the cancer of friendship.
  • Friendship always benefits love, sometimes injures.
  • He who hath many friends hath none.
  • Love is blind friendship closes its eyes.
  • Time makes friendship stronger, but love weaker.
  • Love is a friendship set to music.
  • Friendship is one mind in two bodies.
  • True friends stab you in the front.
  • Marriage: A friendship recognized by the police.

Experience One Line Status In English

Experience One Line Status In English
Experience One Line Status In English
  • I learn from experience.
  • All experience is subjective.
  • Breathe-in experience, breathe-out poetry.
  • Experience teaches only the teachable.
  • Deep experience is never peaceful.
  • Every moment is an experience.
  • Experience is a great teacher.
  • Experience is the extract of suffering.
  • Every experience makes you a man.
  • Conviction without experience makes for harshness.
  • There’s no experience like on-the-job training.
  • The reward of suffering is experience.
  • The only source of knowledge is experience.
  • Producing is just a big learning experience.
  • God is only a great imaginative experience.
  • Physics is experienced, arranged in the economic order.
  • Music is subjective to everyone’s unique experience.
  • Experience is the teacher of all things.
  • Real love is a permanently self-enlarging experience.
  • I write out of my intellectual experience.

One Line Status About Anger

One Line Status About Anger
One Line Status About Anger
  • Anger cannot be dishonest.
  • Hatred is inveterate anger.
  • Hatred is settled anger.
  • I have some anger issues.
  • Anger is a short madness.
  • Anger is a good motivator.
  • Anger’s not a good emotion.
  • Your anger is a gift.
  • Get mad, then get over it.
  • He who angers you conquers you.
  • Be modest, humble, simple. Control your anger.
  • When anger rises, think of the consequences.
  • Keep cool anger is not an argument.
  • The bare recollection of anger kindles anger.
  • The anger of lovers renews their love.
  • The greatest remedy for anger is a delay.

One Line Status About Truth

One Line Status About Truth
One Line Status About Truth
  • Humility is truth.
  • Truth cannot be defeated.
  • Truth is a tendency.
  • Veiling truth in mystery.
  • Truth is what works.
  • Justice is truth in action.
  • Tell the children the truth.
  • Too much truth is uncouth.
  • Truth comes out in wine.
  • I always come from truth.
  • The words of truth are simple.
  • The colour of truth is grey.
  • To tell the truth, is revolutionary.
  • Silence is the mother of truth.
  • Truth springs from argument amongst friends.
  • Truth is life’s most precious commodity.
  • Live truth instead of professing it.
  • Falsehood is easy, truth so difficult.
  • The truth is lived, not taught.
  • Light is the symbol of truth.
  • Wisdom is found only in truth.
  • Justice is the truth in action.
  • When in doubt tell the truth.
  • Truth is exact correspondence with reality.
  • Fiction reveals the truth that reality obscures.
  • Whatever satisfies the soul is truth. (Source)
  • This is my truth, tell me yours.
  • Any truth is better than indefinite doubt.
  • Betrayal is the only truth that sticks.
  • Tell the truth, but tell it slant.
  • Tell the truth and shame the devil.
  • Intense feeling too often obscures the truth.
  • We are free to yield to truth.
  • The words of truth are always paradoxical.
  • Adversity is the first path to truth.
  • Truth is always strange, stranger than fiction.
  • Fiction is the truth inside the lie.
  • The first reaction to truth is hatred.

One Line Status About Nature

One Line Status About Nature
One Line Status About Nature
  • Nature is neutral.
  • Nature abhors annihilation.
  • Nature hates calculators.
  • Nature is perfect.
  • Custom is second nature.
  • Nature abhors a vacuum.
  • My nature just changes.
  • Earth laughs in flowers.
  • Gossip is nature’s telephone.
  • Nature does nothing in vain.
  • Your nature is the Buddha.
  • The skull is nature’s sculpture.
  • Nature is not human hearted.
  • Hidden nature is a secret God.
  • I am two with nature.
  • The world is mud-luscious and puddle-wonderful.
  • Nature is wont to hide.
  • By nature, I’m not a brooder.
  • Nature never breaks her own laws.
  • Nature is a petrified magic city.
  • Nature can do more than physicians.
  • Sound is the vocabulary of nature.
  • The groves were God’s first temples.
  • Human nature is what Heaven supplies.
  • Be truthful, nature only sides with truth.
  • Man is by nature a political animal.
  • Nature, like man, sometimes weeps from gladness.
  • I think I have a dualistic nature.
  • Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed.
  • Nature is commonplace. Imitation is more interesting.
  • Human nature is above all things lazy.
  • Everything in excess is opposed to nature.
  • The disease is the retribution of outraged Nature.
  • For greed, all nature is too little.
  • A lawn is natural under totalitarian rule.
  • Self-preservation is the first law of nature.
  • Man’s heart away from nature becomes hard.
  • Human nature is not of itself vicious.
  • The Ukrainian community is tight-knit by nature.
  • You can’t just let nature run wild.

One Line Status About Peace

One Line Status About Peace
One Line Status About Peace
  • I’m at peace.
  • Peace, unity and harmony!
  • Power to the peaceful!
  • Let us have peace.
  • Give peace a chance.
  • Peace is important for Israel.
  • Peace is its own reward.
  • Peace is liberty in tranquillity.
  • Peace begins with a smile.
  • I pray daily… for peace.
  • Peace is produced by war.
  • Peace without justice is tyranny.
  • I am a peace supporting Jew.
  • I really love peace.
  • Arafat was a barrier to peace.
  • On all the peaks lies peace.
  • Capitalism is war socialism is peace.
  • Ignorance is a menace to peace.
  • My message is all about peace.
  • Avoid popularity if you would have peace.
  • Making peace is harder than making war.
  • War puts its questions stupidly, peace mysteriously.
  • The purpose of all war is peace.
  • Don’t tell me peace has broken out.
  • Peace is a natural effect of trade.
  • Loud peace propaganda makes war seem imminent.
  • Peace is our gift to each other.
  • Peace is rarely denied to the peaceful.
  • War makes thieves, and peace hangs them.
  • Every human long for peace and love.
  • You don’t kill your way to peace.
  • Olympics for me is love, peace, united.
  • I really am a woman at peace.
  • Peace, if possible, truth at all costs.
  • We will not have peace by afterthought.
  • I fought for peace in the fifties.
  • If you want peace, work for justice.
  • In a time of peace, prepare for war.
  • Nobody can bring you peace but yourself.
  • The purpose of all wars is peace.
  • You cannot find peace by avoiding life.

One Line Status About Death

One Line Status About Death
One Line Status About Death
  • Inactivity is death.
  • Normality is death.
  • Death’s in the good-bye.
  • I’m working myself to death.
  • Death, the final, triumphant lover.
  • Everybody is entertained to death.
  • Death by starvation is slow.
  • I’m not afraid of death.
  • Everything that gets born dies.
  • Death is a fearful thing.
  • Death is an absolute marvel.
  • I am against the death penalty.
  • Death is the final wake-up call.
  • Die, v.: To stop sinning suddenly.
  • Grumbling is the death of love.
  • We see death constantly on film.
  • Belief is the death of intelligence.
  • There is nothing glamorous about death.
  • The birth was the death of him.
  • Marriage is the death of hope.
  • Death is softer by far than tyranny.
  • Death is the tyrant of the imagination.
  • Death was like love, a romantic escape.
  • Death is feared as birth is forgotten.
  • Hell, madam, is to love no longer.
  • Failure, too, is a form of death.
  • Life is a predicament that precedes death.
  • Death is just life’s next big adventure.
  • Death ends a life, not a relationship.
  • A useless life is an early death.
  • An unused life is an early death.
  • Nothing in life is promised except death.
  • When you’re dead, you’re dead. That’s it.
  • Fling but a stone, the giant dies.
  • Man dies of cold, not of darkness.
  • Biography lends to death a new terror.
  • Give me liberty or give me death.
  • The sole equality on earth is death.
  • I’m more afraid of marriage than death.
  • The goal of all life is death.
  • I looked Death right in the face.
  • Nothing can happen more beautiful than death.
  • Divorce is probably as painful as death.

One Line Status About Fear

One Line Status About Fear
One Line Status About Fear
  • Fear attracts attack.
  • Fear controls you.
  • Action conquers fear.
  • Let us banish fear.
  • Americans have discovered fear.
  • My greatest fear: repetition.
  • Excessive fear is always powerless.
  • Fear is exciting for me.
  • Fear God and work hard.
  • Only the contemptible fear contempt.
  • Who sows fear, reaps weapons.
  • The strongest passion is fear.
  • While there’s life, there’s fear.
  • Fear is excitement without breath.
  • God helps those who fear Him.
  • When desire dies, fear is born.
  • Fear makes us feel our humanity.
  • My only fear is the unknown.
  • Action cures fear; inaction creates terror.
  • Fear is the mother of morality.
  • Fear is always a good motivator.
  • Where fear is, happiness is not.
  • True nobility is exempt from fear.
  • Fear is stupid. So are regrets.
  • Jealousy is the fear of comparison.
  • Fear is the passion of slaves.
  • Fear is the foundation of safety.
  • Scalded cats fear even cold water.
  • Fear is the mother of foresight.
  • The fear factor actually brings genuineness.
  • Fear is the lengthened shadow of ignorance.
  • I definitely think cheerleaders have no fear.
  • I have a fear of being boring.
  • Do what you fear, and fear disappears.
  • Fear is the thought of admitted inferiority.
  • Everywhere that freedom stirs let tyrants fear.
  • I like to do something I fear.
  • Respect and fear are two different things.
  • Fear is the foundation of most governments.
  • Cruelty is softened by fear, not pity.
  • Limits, like fear, is often an illusion.
  • The thing I fear most is fear.
  • Do not fear mistakes. There are none.
  • Fear is proof of a degenerate mind.
  • Fear follows crime and is its punishment.

One Line Status For Movies In English

One Line Status For Movies In English
One Line Status For Movies In English
  • I love movies.
  • Movies are about escape.
  • Movies are very subjective.
  • Everybody’s a filmmaker today.
  • I like four-hour movies.
  • I like movies about failing.
  • Too much TV hurts movies.
  • I’m scared of scary movies.
  • Film lovers are sick people.
  • Luis Bunuel made great movies.
  • Movies are like magic tricks.
  • Film spectators are quiet vampires.
  • I like high impact movies.
  • I do enjoy animated movies.
  • I love going to the movies.
  • The best movies are simple.
  • All my good movies, nobody sees.
  • Obviously, I’m attracted to heavier movies.
  • I always wanted to make movies.
  • Growing up, I didn’t watch movies.
  • Movies are movies; television is television.
  • I’ve always wanted to make movies.
  • I want to make timeless movies.
  • Audiences want to see intelligent movies.
  • I’ve choreographed all of my movies.
  • I think I made good movies.
  • Movies are different from real life.
  • I’m a fan of action movies.
  • Movies make you immortal and ageless.
  • There’s an electrical thing about movies.
  • There’s more to life than movies.
  • All my movies are achingly personal.
  • I like the good feeling movies.
  • Nobody makes movies bad on purpose.
  • Nobody makes movies like Oliver Stone.
  • I cast unusual people in my movies.
  • I love doing serious movies for adults.
  • I like it very much to do movies.
  • I like movies I can relate to.
  • I’ve always been interested in making movies.
  • Hollywood is throwing action movies at me.
  • I manage to hide in my movies.
  • I never enjoyed working in a film.
  • The movies were custard compared to politics.
  • I make movies I want to see.
  • I don’t direct movies for a living.

Please do tell us What is the Best Status? and What do you write in a status message?

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