Quotes About The Conch In Lord Of The Flies

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โ€œWe can use this to call the others.โ€ โ€“ Piggy- Conch- Civilisation โ€œIโ€™ll give the conch to the next person to speak.โ€ โ€“ Ralph- Civilised โ€“ Fair leader โ€œI got the conch,โ€ said Piggy indignantly. โ€œYou let me speak!โ€ โ€“ Piggy- Equality โ€œIf I blow the conch and they donโ€™t come back then weโ€™ve all … Read more

50 Encouraging Inspirational Quotes for Women

50 Most Encouraging and inspirational Quotes for Women 1. Just keep taking chances and having fun. Garth Brooks 2. Donโ€™t let anyone speak for you, and donโ€™t rely on others to fight for you. 3. You had the power all along my dear. 4. Nothing I accept about myself can be used against me to … Read more

110 Quotes About Defeat for Failure, War and Death

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One of the things I like best about ‘Biggest Loser’ is being around people who are trying to make the right choices. When you feel defeated about your weight and your health, like there’s no hope, and you still make the choice to fight for it, to make the change happen no matter what people … Read more

30 Healing Quotes For Your Mind, Body, And Soul

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Healing Quotes for your mind, body, and soul The following collection of quotes will give you a lot of insight into the various aspects of healing. It’s the pain of becoming aware of the power of one’s strength and weakness, of one’s capacity to love or do damage to oneself and to others, and of how … Read more

50 Positive Inspirational Sayings & Quotes About Life


There are going to be days when you won’t have the energy or drive to get out of bed. There are going to be days when you’re going to want to give up – give up on love, life, or school. The thing is, you’re not allowed to give up. You were given a life … Read more

50 Deep Motivational Quotes that make you Think

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These are Deep Motivational Quotes that make you think that some words of motivation can elevate your mind to see the meaning and purpose in life. Deep Motivational Quotes 1. “We cannot solve problems with the kind of thinking we employed when we came up with them.” Albert Einstein 2. “Learn as if you will … Read more

Top 30 Winston Churchill Quotes about Life & Power

Top 30 Winston Churchill Quotes About Life & Power

Following are the 30 best Winston Churchill Quotes about life and power, which will definitely give you the energy to help you take your powerful steps. 30 Powerful Winston Churchill quotes 1. โ€œHistory is written by the victors.โ€ – Winston Churchill 2. โ€œA joke is a very serious thing.โ€ – Winston Churchill 3. โ€œIf you’re … Read more